Kristofor Lawson

Kristofor Lawson

Founder of Lawson Media and host of Moonshot. Kris is a skilled journalist with experience in senior positions at the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, News Corporation, SBS, and Network Ten.

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Who are the real victims of the Deepfake trend? And how can we tell when the media we consume is deliberately trying to mislead us?

Face Match

Face Match

Facial recognition technology is becoming widespread as technology companies look to use biometrics to secure information. However when used by law enforcement it raises a bunch of ethical concerns. So should we be scared of facial recognition?

The Future of Ageing

The Future of Ageing

Nobody can escape getting old. In fact, generations of people are living to a much older age thanks to modern healthcare. But how will technology make the experience of ageing easier, and what innovations will allow you to stay in your own home for longer?